Friday, December 31, 2004

The music of the Empire

Americans, be proud: Our music is swashbuckling its way through the far corners of the earth. I thought one side benefit to moving near the heart of Islam would be a break from constant elevator Christmas music, but in the airport, the Indian markets, everywhere, it's "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas." At this moment, in the tiny Internet cafe where I'm working, it's that Whitney Houston song from "The Bodyguard" -- I will always love youuuuuuuuuuuu...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Eric! I, too, have been amazed by the familiar American songs I hear outside the States, but I'm even more amused when I watch American sitcoms with subtitles. A few years ago, I found myself watching an episode of Seinfeld with my then 90-year-old grandmother in was surreal. The Greek subtitles didn't properly translate "master of your domain" and she wanted to know what that had to do with the plot; that was an interesting conversation to say the least!

Anna Konstantatos

5:44 PM  

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