What happens when I am forced to hang around a mall with nothing to do – Part I
Deira City Center Mall in Dubai is probably as large as the National Mall in Washington, DC. Remember that 1963 photo of all the people at the civil rights rally listening to Martin Luther King, Jr.?
Now imagine all those people waiting in line at Starbucks.
I hate malls, especially when they're this crowded. But this mall experience was to prove a fateful one. So, I'm walking by this knick-knack store and suddenly I stumble upon one of the most bizarre sights of my young life. There's a UFO, hovering right there in front of my face. An honest-to-God U-F-O.
It buzzed around the enormous central corridor of the mall. I was digging frantically for my camera. What you are about to see are actual photos of a UFO, taken by me, Eric, and displayed now to you. These photos have not been doctored in any way.
Okay, they have been doctored in one small way.
The UFO seemed to be controlled by a bored-looking alien with a remote control.
Dear God, it's attacking the children!!!
It attacks me!!! Mayday!! Mayday!!
I go down!!
The UFO escapes!
Now imagine all those people waiting in line at Starbucks.
I hate malls, especially when they're this crowded. But this mall experience was to prove a fateful one. So, I'm walking by this knick-knack store and suddenly I stumble upon one of the most bizarre sights of my young life. There's a UFO, hovering right there in front of my face. An honest-to-God U-F-O.
It buzzed around the enormous central corridor of the mall. I was digging frantically for my camera. What you are about to see are actual photos of a UFO, taken by me, Eric, and displayed now to you. These photos have not been doctored in any way.
Okay, they have been doctored in one small way.
The UFO seemed to be controlled by a bored-looking alien with a remote control.
Dear God, it's attacking the children!!!
It attacks me!!! Mayday!! Mayday!!
I go down!!
The UFO escapes!
In the short but eventful history of the elktown blogspot, this may be the best post yet. Attacked by a UFO in a mall. Who could imagine such a thing. But it could happen again in the upcoming remake of "War of the Worlds," the new Tom Cruise movie. I also remember "The Thing" (starring James Arness, long before Gunsmoke fame) attack a poor fellow inside an igloo. And what about the Alien trying to chomp down on Sigourney Weaver. So I guess there is precedent. But please be careful in those Dubai malls, Er.
Anecdotally, my friend Nathan down in Florida is the proud owner of one of those UFOs. They can be purchased at, I believe, the Discovery Channel store in most domestic shopping malls.
Of course, his does not come with floating hearts featuring John Kerry and George W. Bush, so what I glean from this is that his is just some mall trinket. What you saw in Dubai is clearly the real deal.
As a useful aside, during my trip to Sarasota in January, said UFO was used to scare the hell out of the Lovely Marilyn by me and my sister floating it into her bedroom above her head whilst she slept.
After the heart dealy, we no longer do those sorts of things.
And, a final note, you cite the crowd at the MLK rally in Washington and say, "Now imagine all of those people waiting in line at the Starbucks"
Your faithful correspondent,
PS. A hearty shoutout to Mr. K in Kansas City.
A hearty shoutout to you too, Scott. I love your sense of humour. Great minds must think alike. I was once in a fancy hotel here atttending some sort of party, when I somehow got my hands on this remote controlled robot toy. So from a distance of about 40-50 feet and hidden behind a couch, I managed to direct it to follow a woman into the ladies restroom. She wasn't aware of it until sitting in the stall, when a loud shriek was quite clearly heard throughout the convention area. Eric isn't aware how late in life his father matured.
I thank you, and that is a far better use of the robot toy than even I had considered. Something to try the next time I'm in Las Vegas, or at any sort of conference/convention where I could beat a hasty retreat.
As for maturity, with myself that is indeed a work in progress, except for the part where little progress is actually made.
There must be an AMA conference coming up soon...
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