Thursday, March 17, 2005

Gulls One

The rest of my Creek pictures are of one subject: the lovely hovering gulls along the creekside.

First, let me pull back the curtain for one second. The selection of photographs on this website is heavily edited. For every picture I post here, there are about four or so that I trash – sometimes more. It's sort of sad when you think about it… such torrential editing should mean that the remaining photos are really something special, and this is plainly not the case. Oh well. As Scott so eloquently said, your alternative is the Burger King. That still cracks me up, Scott!

Anyway, usually I'm cutting photos left and right. So, you will soon be asking yourself, why the hell am I posting 25 photos on a single topic, each almost precisely like the last? Let's just answer that with total honesty: I love these pictures so much that I simply decided to temporarily abandon my function as editor. F*©& it, I said to myself. I'm posting themall.

I swear, I think I was a bird in a previous life. I can't watch most sports games on TV for more than thirty seconds without getting bored, but I could have watched these gulls fly all day long. All that swooping around... it just looks like so much fun!

No one ever loved life more than I do. But I could give it all up to be a bird again.

Tomorrow… more cowbell. So to speak.


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