Thursday, October 20, 2005


He rose from the stage in the darkness, only a few feet away from me. It was as if God had slicked back His hair, donned a leather jacket, and rose in human form into the glowing neon lights of the MCI Center. But even God Himself doesn't look this good in sunglasses.


Bono sang his heart out.

Many people tried to lay their hands on Bono. His flesh may have healing properties.*

* unconfirmed

Only this bouncer was unmoved. He is probably an infidel.

Bono kneels. At first I thought he was picking up some panties thrown by his worshipers, but it turned out to be a headband inscribed with a message of peace from Bono to all religions.

Bono's disciples were also present.

The Edge.

Again: Bouncer curiously -- suspiciously -- unmoved.

Larry the Drummer.

Bono confers with Larry. Why?

Because Bono wants to play the drum!! God Himself could not have beat that drum more passionately!