Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The Backstroke of the West

Our alert Rocky Mountain bureau sent in this treasure about two months ago. I tried to post this on the site back then, but the website that originated these clips went down almost immediately after "The Backstroke of the West" debuted.

The Chinese took "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith," translated it into Chinese, then translated it back into English. What can I say? Really great job, guys.

Some of my favorite screen shots:

You'd think this one would be a gimme.

Again... seriously, it's right there on the screen.

"The Backstroke of the West," honestly, is a better title than "Revenge of the Sith."

Obi Wan is saying, "Let them pass between us."

The translated versions aren't always family-friendly.

Count Dooku talks smack.

Anakin taunts General Grievous*

A snappy comeback.

Anakin channels Gollum. Nasty hobbitses!

The Jedis want Anakin to spy on the Chancellor... even during his private time.

That would be... the "Jedi Council."

"Obi wan, may the Force be with you."

Bad news, Anakin. But I'm sure the Mormons will dig you.

Obi wan: "Who could have done this?"

"It's over, Anakin. I have the higher ground."


*I stole some -- though not all -- of the commentary from the original site. The guy was pretty good with the one-liners, I must admit.

Monday, September 05, 2005

My orchid

For those who wanted to see what it looks like: