Still more Q&A with Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani
See more Q & A with Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani here, here, and here. And the special "Sex Ed with the Ayatollah" edition is here.
Question: Are shaking of hands with girls allowed?
Answer: It is not permissible.
Question: I wanted to know about friendship norms in islam about females ?
Answer: Friendship with her is not permissible. Because in such friendship man is not immune from sin.
Eric: This is essentially what Billy Crystal said in "When Harry Met Sally."
Eric: Here's one for you ladies:
Question: Which part of strange man’s body is it allowed for a woman to look at? Is it allowed to look at his breast? On the tv in the western countries its very oft, that the men show their bodies till the belly ?
Answer: Looking of a woman at a stranger’s (ajnabi) body is forbidden, if it is with lust and fear of falling in sin. It is not even permissible to look without.
Eric: If I may translate, Grand Ayatollah: Don't look if it will make you horny. And don't look anyway.
Question: Is it allowed to kiss a child?
Answer: Itself has no problem.
Question: Can I buy a second hand American car?
Answer: No prohibition order has been issued by His Eminence.
Eric: The Ayatollah himself drives an Audi, however.
Question: Please specify if any music is allowed in Islam?
Answer: Music is an art that has spread far and wide during these days. Some varieties of this art are permissible while others are forbidden; therefore, it is permissible to listen to the first while it is forbidden to listen to the latter.
Eric: And that clears that right up.