Let's talk about sex, Grand Ayatollah!
Question: Can husband and wife have sex with each other while looking at each other in a mirror?
Answer: It's permissible.
Eric: Freaky!
Question: Is play between husband and wife allowed, like touching, feeling, kissing, sucking?
Answer: No problem if he makes sure it does not bring about janabah (major ritual impurity).
Eric: Oh wow, I wonder what
that is!
Question: I want to know the ruling on oral sex?
Answer: It is obligatory precaution not permissible; it's very disgust if she agrees.
Question: Is oral sex by husband or wife allowed?
Answer: It is permissible provided no liquid swallowed.
Question: When I am unable to do Muta’h* (temporary marriage), am I allowed to masturbate?
Answer: Masturbation is not permissible under any circumstances.
Eric: And at last, there you have it: suicide missions explained.
Eric: Did I go too far with that one? I think so.
Question: If my wife wants me to masturbate in front of her, is it then allowed?
Answer: You are not allowed to do it with hand, but your wife is.
Eric: Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani is like a wonderful, magical combination of Dr. Phil and Dr. Ruth.
Eric: With the statecraft skills of Dr. Condoleezza Rice.
Eric: He is also, in many ways, like God.
Question: What is an orgy?
Answer: It's forbidden.
* Temporary marriage means one night. It's so Muslim men can sleep with prostitutes.**
** Seriously.