Friday, June 24, 2005

Blue mosque

Forget whatever I might have said about the Jumeirah mosque. Istanbul's Blue Mosque is the most beautiful building I've ever seen.

My first view, walking out of my hotel:

I had no idea those minarets were attached to anything so spectacular. My second view, the next day:

I was awestruck.

Inside the courtyard:

A group of Japanese tourists were doing some strange kabuki shit with their hands.

Let's go inside.

A man prays…

…and a child plays:

Later that night, I went back and watched the birds swoop from spire to spire. They spiraled up and down along the minarets, like the ladies I once saw gliding up and down a double-helical staircase at a castle in France. The birds put me in mind, for some reason, of the streamers that coiled and danced around the maypole at the Renaissance Fair when I was little.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing place! Thanks for sharing photos of it. Are those wires connecting the minarets in the first few pictures? Is that for stabilization or something like that?

6:00 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

Those wires were like a message board, I think. They had lights on them that weren't lit.

11:42 PM  

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