Friday, March 31, 2006

Cherry walk

Yesterday was peak day for the cherry blossoms.

I live here. But shame on me: It's been years since I've bothered to walk down to the river and see the cherry trees in bloom. This year I have less time than ever, but more need than ever.

Back when I was in Dubai, I went to great effort to order my photos into narratives. Seems like I had a lot more time back then.

So I’m just throwing these out there. Camera phone, so picture quality sucks.

This guy had a lot of knowledge. But I listen to lectures all day long and I’ll be damned if I’m going to learn anything on my time.

That’s President Bush’s helicopter. It just flew around and around in circles. Supposedly Bush is in the Caribbean, or Congo, or somewhere. Canada. Somewhere with a “C”. Anyway, this helicopter just looped around and around and I don’t care what the newspaper says, I think Bush was in it, just screwing around and making the pilot fly in circles.

You know Bush does shit like that.*

*Update from Kelly Anne: It was Cheney!!

The trees are pretty. But it’s still a political town.

My thing with ducks.

Dawn feels love for the cherry trees. She’s only been in Washington six months but she already scorns the tourist hordes like an old-timer.

I thought I was a photography genius for spotting this angle.

But I was actually blocking six other photographers behind me. They yelled at me.

This cherry tree is where a lot of people stick their gum.

Abraham Lincoln.

WWII Memorial.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

One more thought

An interesting conflict developed on this site, in the last month of the blog's active life. Now almost a year has gone by, and some of these same themes have played out across a wider stage. I think it's worth pointing out