Wednesday, April 06, 2005

...from the Et Cetera Files

Random photos, both strange and beautiful. Well… mostly strange.

These are the Thai women who work at the Thai food counter at the mall. Sometimes I want Thai food, and when I do they make a big fuss over me. "Teacher, teacher!" they shout, placing their hands together, as if in prayer, and bowing furiously.

Other times I don't want Thai food, but to get the food I do want, I have to walk by the Thai women. Those days are more problematic. "Teacher, teacher!" they shout. "Teacher!! Why no Thai food today? Cashew chicken, five minutes! Teacher, where are you going?"

You may have noticed that they are posing with a baby in the photo above. A customer was pondering the menu and rooting through her purse, and she actually gave her baby to the Thai women to hold. Let me repeat that, because it is fairly astonishing: She gave her child to the restaurant workers to pass around. For, like, ten minutes. Mom, is motherhood really that much of a grind?

I have to admit: The Thai women and the baby seemed to get along very well. The kid was probably used to being handed to strangers, and the Thai women are naturally very social. There's absolutely no evidence that the child ended up as part of a curry dish.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Er, have you ever read that great O'Henry short story, "The Ransom of Red Chief." That's were a little boy is kidnapped, and he's such a little devil and so difficult for the the kidnappers to handle that they end up paying the parents to take him back. Well, we tried to pass you around; how to you think we financed your college education.

9:52 AM  
Blogger Eric said...

Quite the comedian, aren't you, Dad? Maybe you're even ready for your own comedy blog.

And to think that just a few years ago, you didn't even know how to use a mouse! It brings a tear to my eye... they just grow up so fast, don't they?

2:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That looks suspiciously like the food court at the White Flint mall.

Hey, wait a minute....

Oh, nevermind. It's too clean to be White Flint.

12:47 PM  

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